When looking for a mortgage in Sacramento knowing what you can afford ahead of time can be the one thing that keeps you out of foreclosure in the future. And foreclosure usually ends up costing you way more than just your home. Sometimes it will put a strain on your personal relationships, job and even your own self-esteem. Having that extra room or lot space isn’t worth losing your piece of mind. Sacramento mortgage companies like West Coast Mortgage can help you steer clear of those potential problems. Here are a few tips that will help you to truthfully examine what size home you can afford. Keeping your expenses at 28% of less of you gross income is one great way to prove to a lender that you can afford to get into a home. Usually being able to put 20% down will help to lock in the loan you want. Although it’s not mandatory, the bigger down payment you’re able to pay, the less stress you will feel in the long run.